Information for the dentist

I would like to warmly thank you for your trust in working together!

I strive to achieve professional cooperation in which consultation and advice are always possible, and whereby the end result for your patient always takes priority.

I treat your patient with the best equipment, and by applying the very latest scientific advances and techniques. I talk patients through the procedure, in order to provide as comfortable treatment as possible, with a gentle approach. I always make time to give clear explanations, both during and after treatment.

The treatment is documented with radiographic and clinical images so that you have a clear overview of the treatment afterwards. In addition, you will also receive a brief summary of the treatment and the result achievedAfter treatment, your patient will need to make another appointment with you for the definitive restoration, unless you specifically request me to organise this myself.

Which treatments are there?

You can refer your patients for:

  1. Endodontic advice, if in doubt, for tooth maintenance, following trauma, in the context of new crown and bridge work, for persistent pain problems, etc.
  2. Direct or indirect capping with biocement/MTA
  3. Endodontic treatments and re-treatments
    • Complex anatomies
    • Difficult access
    • Calcified pulp chamber/canals
    • Removal of inter-canal obstacles such as instruments and dental posts.
    • Perforation, stripping, etc.
  4. Endodontic treatment of the immature definitive tooth
  5. Post-endodontic plastic dental post construction
  6. Avital bleaching following endodontic treatment

How can you refer?

Please send an email to ( or give a visiting card or letter with the patient, indicating:

  • Details of the patient (name and date of birth)
  • Type of treatment
  • Recent X-rays
  • Information regarding the coronal restoration

If you have questions or wish to contact me by telephone, please send me an email so that I can call you.

Making an appointment, cancelling an appointment, an urgent question?

  • Drop files here or